Q: How much does housing and meals cost?
Fees for room and board at Old Westbury are charged on a per semester basis. For complete list of fees and deadlines in relation to campus residency, visit the Tuition & Fees section of our website.
Q: When are student bills due?
A: Please refer to the following link for more information: Bursar.
Fall 2022 bills will be due in August (date determined by Bursar.)
Fall payment plan options are bills are due on September (second payment of the three payment plan option) and October (third of the three plan option and final payment of the two payment plan option).
Accounts not paid in full will receive a late payment fee ranging from $30 to $50 depending on outstanding balance due.
Q: As a residential student, what should I do if I have been "financially cancelled" from my room prior to moving in?
A: Students must clear their accounts with the Bursar Office by August to qualify to check into housing. Students must provide an "Approved for Room and Board" from the Bursar Office to be able to move. Students who cannot provide this documentation will not be able to move in. We strongly encourage all students to review their accounts and plan for all eventualities.
PLEASE NOTE: As move in may occur over a holiday weekend, student accounts will not be able to be adjusted until the next working day. Other administrative offices may not be available for student walk ins on the day of move in.