Our Faculty


Our faculty includes renowned professors, acclaimed practitioners, and influential thought-leaders, and its members are at the forefront of discourse in fields as diverse as public health, cancer research, journalism, entrepreneurship, and experiential education.

Book opened on a wood desk


Books & Creative Works

Our faculty publish numerous books and produce creative works that draw the attention of their peers and the media.


Dr. Lorenz Neuwirth with students in the lab


Research Grants

Explore the breadth of the research and other funding earned by our University and its faculty.


Copies of printed brochures titled "Faculty Achievements"


Faculty Achievements Brochure

Read more about the activities and achievements of all of the campus' faculty by flipping through the pages of the 2022-2023 Faculty Achievements yearbook.


Recent Faculty Achievements

Two white women on a green background

Profs present on New Frontiers of Virtual Reality during international confab

Wallethub logo and photo of african-american man against purple background

Business Professor tabbed as expert by WalletHub

three images showing a man in a leather jacket, a movie poster and a large brutish man lifting a woman

Joey Ramone and the rise of 'othered' body culture in America