

The Office of the Bursar coordinates the billing process, handles all payments made toward students' accounts, manages payment plans, disburses financial aid payments, processes all refunds from over-payments, processes refunds due to withdrawals and performs other miscellaneous financial functions.


  • Your calls and e-mails are important to us. To reach the Bursar staff during this peak period, call (516) 876-3000 Option 2. If you would like to receive a call back rather than wait in the queue, please leave your telephone number and your call will be returned.  Only one callback number is needed as callbacks are automatic.  
  • For faster service,  send an e-mail to bursar@oldwestbury.edu using your official Old Westbury e-mail account.  For phone and e-mail, clearly communicate the intent of your call and be sure to leave your name, 700 number and return phone number. A staff member will respond as quickly as possible.
  •  Access the online payment system via the ConnectOW portal. ConnectOW provides a convenient, mobile-friendly gateway to the array of online services and functions made available to the campus community. Login to the portal today and check out the Manage My Account Card to see personalized information about balances due, holds (if any) and more.
  • Hints for Parents and Students on Financial Aid, Billing & Payment Procedures

Campus Center, Room H-100B

9 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Mon.-Fri.