Old Westbury's Liberal Education Curricula (LEC, https://www.oldwestbury.edu/division/office-academic-affairs/liberal-education-core) meet SUNY General Education requirements (https://system.suny.edu/academic-affairs/acaproplan/general-education/). Students need to complete at least one course in each of the following domains: Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DIV); Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning, MA); Basic Communication (BC); The Arts (ART); US History and Civic Engagement (USH); World History and Global Awareness (WH); World Languages (WL); Natural Sciences (NS); Humanities (HU); Social Sciences (SS).
Below you will find an example of course flowchart for each program we offer. These sequences begin with MA2090 Precalculus (but not its prerequisite MA1020 College Algebra). If you do not have MA1020, you can take the OW Pre-Calculus Readiness Test to register for it. Please find the information at the Math Learning Center (Refer to the "Math Placement Test" section at https://www.oldwestbury.edu/math-learning-center.).
In addition to the regular degree programs including B.A. in Chemistry, B.S. in Chemistry and B.S. in Biochemistry, the 3+4 B.S./D.O. program allows students to obtain Biochemistry B.S. at Old Westbury (3 years) & Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. at NYITCOM, 4 years). We also offer American Chemical Society (ACS)-certified B.S. in Chemistry and ACS-certified B.S. in Biochemistry. This ACS certification is widely recognized for the rigorous coursework. It helps you stand out in job application or admission to graduate/medical/professional schools.