What CP Alumni Say

Alumnus Information Update  

If you completed one of our degree programs (Chemistry, Biochemistry or Physics), we would love to know how you are doing! Please share with us your professional and personal activities by clicking this link. The information you provide also helps us keep our records on our Alumni up to date! Thank you!

Stories of Our Alumni

Damin Justin Rush

Damin Justin Rush

Damin Justin Rush is poised to graduate in 2024 with a B.S. in Biochemistry from SUNY Old Westbury. As a Panther CURE scholar, Damin has committed significant time beyond the classroom to pursue research endeavors, focusing on type I photosensitization of thiopurine prodrug, specifically delving into the production of superoxide radicals upon UVA illumination of 6-thioguanine. This research was showcased at the SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) held at Suffolk County Community College on April 26, 2024. Damin's natural charm and eloquence have shone through as he actively engaged in Open House activities and participated in various on and off-campus events. As Damin continues to progress in his academic and professional journey, the Chemistry and Physics Department extends our heartfelt wishes for ongoing success and fulfillment.

How did SUNY OW and the department prepare you for your careers?

The exposure and experience I gained at SUNY OW equipped me with the knowledge and mindset essential for success in my chosen field, paving the way for a smooth transition into the workforce.

What advice do you have for the current students?

I advise all current students to put themselves in uncomfortable situations now because when you are finally in the real world you won't feel as scared. I also encourage current students to go and network. Sell yourself, as it will have a lasting effect on a lot of things. Moreover, speaking from personal experience as a biochemistry major, joining CSTEP program was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I had the opportunity to attend conferences and observe professionals in my field illustrating how the work will be done. In this way, there would be no surprises when I eventually started working in my field.

Last update: May 18, 2024

Thiago Figueiredo

Thiago Araujo De Figueiredo

Thiago Araujo De Figueiredo is graduating in 2024 with a B.S. in Biochemistry. He's an honor student, winning awards like the Outstanding College Student Award for Excellence in Chemical Biology from the American Chemical Society NY Section in 2023 and Academic Excellence and Academic Achievement in Research awards from SUNY OW in 2024. Thiago is moving on to a Ph.D. program at the University of Washington, Seattle in 2024 with full funding. Congrats, Thiago! Great job!

How did SUNY OW and the department prepare you for your careers?

SUNY OW has given me all the opportunities I needed to learn how to conduct meaningful research. Starting in my sophomore year I started working with Dr. Solomon Chak at the Biological Sciences department, after that I worked for two year with Dr. Youngjoo Kim at the Chemistry and Physics Department. Those two experiences taught me the basic foundations of conducting research, Having an open mind, Hard Work and Persistence.

What advice do you have for the current students?

If you are interested in ever going into the scientific field, don't be afraid to ask professors to enter their labs! In fact, most of them are actively looking for hard working students! Another tip is to prioritize your classes, lab work can take too much of your time, if you need to take a break to study for a test, do it! Most Ph.D. programs in the US don't require a masters! All you need is extensive research experience which you can acquire during your undergraduate. Also, always try to apply to an REU during the summer!

Last updated: April 26, 2024

Nelson Euceda

Nelson Euceda

Nelson Euceda, a CSTEP student, graduated with BS. in Biochemistry and B.S. in Mathematics in 2019. He was a Chemistry Research Coordinator at Spectronics Corporation in Long Island. In March 2023, Nelson was accepted to UC Berkeley’s Masters of Engineering program with a concentration in Biomaterials and Biomedical Devices. His tuition will be covered partially by Fung Excellence + Opportunity Grant. Nelson, congratulations! 

He is now a Student Recruitment Ambassador at Berkeley.

How did SUNY OW and the department prepare you for your careers?

SUNY OW and the Chemistry and Physics department prepared me for my career by exposing me to different analytical tools and research methods. Having the opportunity to work in a research group allowed me to gain experience and skills that I later applied in an industrial lab setting.

What advice do you have for the current students?

I would let current students know that SUNY OW has an abundant number of resources for career preparation and assistance in deciding the next step after completing undergraduate studies. Speak to professors or other faculty members about what your interests are or if you don't have a specific interest, join a research group for an opportunity to use the knowledge gained in the classroom and learn new skills. Use tutoring services provided by OW. It is free!

Last updated: October 25, 2024

Meghaben Kothari

Meghaben K. Kothari

Meghaben K. Kothari graduated with ACS-certified B.S. in Biochemistry in 2022 and accepted into the master's program at Stony Brook University. Meghaben, the job was well done! We are looking forward to seeing your success in the future!

How did SUNY OW and the department prepare you for your careers?

While taking additional coursework as required for ACS certification, I developed my professional and laboratory skills further. I have always been interested in pursuing a career in a laboratory setting and now I am planning apply for a PhD program in the near future. I had to take additional coursework including Physical chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, and last but not least Advanced chemical methods. Though, upon completion of the above classes I came to understand the field of chemistry better and even found the course work very interesting. Particularly where I had to design my own self designed lab.

What advice do you have for the current students?

If you have time and are interested in pursuing a PhD program in the future, then getting an ACS certification will be greatly appreciated. The department offers great advice for future endeavors. If you are unsure or have any questions/concerns, then always email the department chair, faculty or secretary.

Last updated: March 28, 2023