- All students in their final semester must apply for graduation.
- Participating in the Commencement Ceremony does not confirm degree completion/conferral for graduation.
- Application for graduation must be submitted through the connect.oldwestbury.edu portal.
Steps to Apply for Graduation
- Login to the ConnectOW Portal
- Look for the "Banner" card, click on the "Banner SSB" icon
- Under "Graduation Application Process", click on "Apply for Graduation"
- Please select the term which is your final term of attendance.
- Confirm your Academic Program to continue. If your Academic Program is not correct, please do not continue, please email gradapp@oldwestbury.edu
- On the Graduation Date Selection page, please select your final term of attendance, it has to be the same as the previous page.
- Please note all graduates can attend the Commencement ceremony which is once a year at the end of the Spring term.
- Select and Edit your Middle name and/or Initial that will be printed of the diploma. Please note the first and last name cannot be altered.
- Select and/or Edit your mailing address for your diploma only.
- Select the Graduation Fee. A graduation fee of $20 will be charged to your student account, please log on to the SUNY OW connect portal to pay this fee after completing your graduation application. Failure to pay may result in a hold on your account which will prevent the diploma from being mailed to you.
- After submitting your graduation application, you can view your application Under "Graduation Application Process".
- Once you records has been review you will receive an email from gradapp@oldwestbury.edu regarding your graduation application status.
Important Notes
- If you have relevant information that is not evident on your degree audit (courses to be registered in Winter/Summer terms; courses to be transferred from another institution, awaiting official transcripts and/or College Board scores); pending substitutions or waivers from department chairpersons please email gradapp@oldwestbury.edu
- Please remember it is your responsibility to monitor your degree requirements and maintain contact with your academic department of major. Students are urged to review their degree audit reports often to make sure they are making progress towards their degree. See instructions on how to view your degree audit
- There are four graduation terms (December, January, May and August) but only one Commencement Ceremony in May. For example, December 2024 and January 2025 graduates and candidates for May 2025 and August 2025 may participate in the commencement activities.
- For questions or concerns about your degree requirements, please schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in your department of major.
- For technical help accessing connect.oldwestbury.edu, please contact the Help Desk at servicedesk@oldwestbury.edu.
For questions or concerns about the graduation application process, please contact Degree Audit via: gradapp@oldwestbury.edu.
Information on SUNY OW Commencement
Questions about Commencement should be directed to commencement@oldwestbury.edu