Title III SIP Grant

SUNY Old Westbury’s Title III Strengthening Institutions Grant: Ensuring Student Success

What is Title III?

The Title III Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) provides funds to colleges and universities to expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing support to improve and strengthen academic quality, institutional management, and fiscal stability.

Project Plan: Ensuring Student Success

In the fall of 2019, SUNY Old Westbury was awarded a $2,007,926 Title III Strengthening Institutions Program grant by the U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of this 5-year project is to increase student support services and faculty pedagogical development opportunities with the goal of increasing student retention and graduation rates. These four Title III components are designed to support the success of Old Westbury students:

  • Strengthening tutoring and supplemental instruction
  • Expansion of proactive advising and early intervention
  • Creating a comprehensive Teaching and Learning Center
  • Building a more robust Sophomore Initiative

For more information please contact:

Claudia Newman
Project Coordinator, Title III SIP Grant