Excuse Note Policy


It is each student's responsibility to meet all course and work requirements that are set by their instructors and supervisors. In the event that a student feels that they are too ill to fulfill academic or work obligations, the student must communicate with their instructor/supervisor directly. 

Policy Statement

The Student Health Center will not formally excuse a student from class or work with a written note, except in the cases of serious illness or public health concern. If a student feels that they are too ill to attend class, take an exam, go to work, or complete an assignment, the student must notify their instructor and/or supervisor. In the case of a public health concern (influenza, or Covid-19 for example) the Student Health Center will notify the Dean of Students who in turn will notify the professors of excused absence from class. Instructors and/or supervisors have the authority to determine whether they will accept a personal report of illness as a valid excuse.