Student Health Center

SHC Staff

Ensuring the accessibility and delivery of high quality clinical services in an inclusive and respectful environment. Open to all registered students of SUNY Old Westbury, the Student Health  Center promotes wellness through education, disease prevention, treatment and maintenance of healthy lifestyle practices.

Welcome to Old Westbury and greetings from the Student Health Center!

We want you to be successful during your time with us and beyond, and that includes your health and wellness, too. So please review our website for information on what we offer, how to access our services and general health and wellness advice. We have emerged from a worldwide pandemic and we seem to be encountering other viruses in its wake, so please keep in mind the following:

  1. Hand Hygiene is crucial to protect from so many infections. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds-sing the Happy Birthday song 2-3 times and you'll start to smile!
  2. Please have a copy of your health insurance information with you on campus.
  3. Please know what medications you take and what medical conditions or allergies you have, and names and phone numbers of doctors who are treating you.
  4. Please be up-to-date on your childhood vaccinations- no one wants to suffer from re-emerging diseases like measles or polio that were once very rare in the United States.
  5. Consider getting the flu shot on campus when we offer it.
  6. Try to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep each night, stay hydrated by drinking water often and especially when you are thirsty, and try to eat a well-balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins.
  7. If you are unwell, please notify us


Fall & Spring Semester Hours

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday- 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (last appointment is at 4:30 p.m.)
  • Tuesday- 8:30 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. (last appointment is at 6:30 p.m.)

Summer Hours (5/20/24-8/30/24)

  • Monday-Friday- 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (last appointment is at 4:30 p.m.)

Doctor’s Hours

  • Monday - 9:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. 
  • Tuesday –  4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.  (No evening hours during Winter & Summer Sessions)
  • Wednesday- 9:15 a.m.- 2:45 p.m.
  • Thursday - 9:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
  • Friday – 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Call University Police (UPD) at (516) 876-3333 for all all health, mental health, or substance related emergencies both daytime and after-hours. 

Student Wellness Portal

For your convenience, use the wellness portal to complete your health history and other important forms to reduce your wait time. 

Student Wellness Portal

COVID-19 Information


SUNY Old Westbury, following guidance from the State University of New York, does not require students to be vaccinated for COVID-19 for the 2023-2024 academic year.

However, all in our community (students, faculty, staff) are urged to remain up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters.


SUNY Old Westbury is operating in a mask optional status for all students, staff, faculty and visitors, except as follows:

  • in an instructional setting when required by the instructor
  • in a campus office setting when required by the occupant
  • in a healthcare setting (i.e., Student Health Center, Office of Counseling and Psychological Wellness)
  • if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, wear a mask, get tested immediately and self-quarantine while you await results.
  • if you test positive and must be isolated, you are required to wear a mask for a minimum of 5 days from date of diagnosis

Students participating in clinicals or other off-campus placements must continue to comply with specific regulations or requirements in place at that site.

COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 testing is not required for any population on campus for the Fall 2023 semester.

Anyone who has had contact with a positive COVID-19 case or is experiencing any symptoms should perform a COVID-19 test or, for students, visit the Student Health Center to be tested.

Any faculty or staff who receives a positive COVID-19 test results either from a home rapid test or an off-campus lab must immediately isolate and report their test results immediately.

Students report test results immediately to:

Faculty & Staff report test results immediately to:

Faculty who are told by a student that the student has tested positive for COVID-19 are to advise the student to get in touch with the Student Health Center as soon as possible.

NOTE: SUNY Old Westbury may at a later date impose more frequent testing of students and employees, regardless of vaccination status, if conditions warrant additional measures. 

Isolation for those found positive

In the event of a positive test result, the student is to isolate either at home or in their residential hall room and wear a mask until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications if initially febrile, and/or if symptoms are greatly improved for 24 hours.

Students are encouraged to continue to wear a mask while symptomatic and/or for a minimum of 5 days from diagnosis. Follow-up Covid-19 testing is no longer required.  

Upon a positive test, commuter students and faculty/staff would be expected to isolate in their homes.

If campus residents test positive for COVID-19, they should return home to their permanent address to isolate as soon as possible and notify their Residence Hall Director/the Office of Residential Life. If campus residents are unable to travel home, they will be required to isolate in place where they live on campus. 

Students isolating in place on campus

In the event of a positive test result, the student is to isolate either at home or in their residential hall room and wear a mask until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications if initially febrile, and/or if symptoms are greatly improved for 24 hours.

Students are encouraged to continue to wear a mask while symptomatic and/or for a minimum of 5 days from diagnosis. Follow-up Covid-19 testing is no longer required.  .

Students  should only leave their room to use the bathroom, pick up food, dispose of trash, or for an emergency such as a fire alarm or medical emergency at which time they must remain masked and maintain 6ft distance from those around them. Students are not allowed to attend in-person classes while isolating.

Grab and go food options are available on campus. For additional information, please visit Campus Dining to check pickup locations and hours. Students are required to bring food to their room and eat only inside their room. Students may not eat or sit during a meal in any place on campus other than their assigned room. Please be masked and mindful of maintaining a 6ft distance when picking up meals. Face coverings may be removed in your room while you are actively eating or drinking.

Limit time in shared bathrooms and wash your hands after each use. When disposing of trash, wear your mask and maintain a 6ft distance from those around you. Do not spend time in the hallways, lounges, kitchen, communal living room, or laundry room. Please refrain from doing laundry during your isolation period to limit exposure to others. Do not share personal household items like cups, towels, and utensils.

In a fire alarm or emergency, please wear a face mask and maintain a 6ft distance from those around you.

Roommates/suitemates of a student with a positive covid case isolating in place

We understand you may have questions about living in a shared space with someone who recently tested positive. It is important to remember that roommates and suitemates often remain living in shared spaces with other illnesses, such as the flu, mono, a cold, and stomach virus. Old Westbury is well-positioned for an isolation-in-place protocol because of the high campus vaccination rates, increased population-level immunity, and widely available antiviral medications.

Due to your roommates' recent COVID-19 test result, there are some precautions to take to ensure your health and safety. Please always wear your mask while in the same room as your roommate. Do not share personal household items like cups, towels, and utensils. Due to isolation protocols your roommate is only permitted to leave the room to use the bathroom, pick up food, dispose of trash or for an emergency such as a fire alarm or medical emergency. Your roommate is only allowed to eat in their room, so please be sure to wear your mask while they are eating. 


Campus Center, I-Wing, Suite I-109

Student Wellness Portal