Committed to providing a supportive and academically challenging environment for all undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities...
Vision & Goals
The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities seeks to:
- Facilitate the provision of academic adjustments/modifications
- Reduce the stigma of “disability” and the embarrassment of entering the office
- Advocate for students with disabilities
requesting accommodations
Services offered by the OSSD include:
- Provision of "reasonable accommodations"
- Referral to relevant external agencies
- Sign language interpreters
Procedures for Accommodations/Services
A student enrolled at Old Westbury who wishes to receive accommodations must self-identify as having a disability and make a request to the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD). The steps to do so are as follows:
Call or email the OSSD to schedule an appointment with an OSSD staff member to discuss your disability and types of accommodations and services that may be needed. Have documentation of your disability sent to the OSSD before the appointment to review and discuss at the meeting. Since accommodations and services are based on the documentation, it is important that the information is complete and up-to-date. If the documentation is lacking in some respect, you will be given the opportunity to provide the needed information. Assistance in locating a qualified practitioner to conduct an assessment is also available. For information regarding documentation requirements, please contact the OSSD.
The OSSD will prepare a letter for each student specifying the accommodations needed as supported through documentation provided by the student. Students are responsible for providing the letters to their instructors as early as possible each semester. Students should work directly with their instructors to make arrangements for accommodations in each course. OSSD staff members are available to assist both students and instructors in implementing accommodations as they relate to specific course requirements.
Throughout the semester, the OSSD staff members are available to discuss academic progress or concerns and provide assistance to students.
All information related to a student's disability is treated in a confidential manner. Documentation is kept in a secure file with limited access in the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. Such records are not part of the student's academic record.
Disability-related information may be shared on a limited basis with other offices on campus (e.g., Counseling Center, Academic Advising, etc.) in order to provide accommodations and services. However, this information is shared only with permission of the student.
forms & policies

Voter Registration & Education
The Office of Services for Students with Disabilities serves as a national voter registration agency and our team is happy to assist any student in filling out or submitting an application to vote.