First Year – Self Assessment and Awareness
Goal: To have an awareness and understanding of the career development process
- Create your Handshake profile
- Explore this great online resource to sign up for programs and events and apply for internship and employment opportunities
- Take time to understand yourself as an individual. Pay attention to the classes you most enjoy, activities, talk about career ideas and possibilities
- Meet with a CPD staff member to start your career planning process
- Identify a few career paths to explore that are of interest
- Develop a relationship with your academic advisor. See if various majors, electives, education requirements can align with career possibilities
- Begin to utilize the various resources available to explore your career interests: Handshake, OOH, ONET
- If you are undecided or do not have a particular interest, assess your values, interests and abilities by taking a career inventory in the Office of Career Planning & Development such as the MyersBriggs Type Indicator and/or Strong Interest Inventory
- Get involved on and off campus – join student organizations, volunteer and community service opportunities as a method to gain critical experience for your resume
- Develop your first resume and continue to refine it and adding content throughout your college years as your experience increases and your vision sharpens
Sophomore Year - Exploration
Goal: To connect your skills, interests, values and personality in order to choose a major
- Continue to utilize Handshake
- Start practicing and polishing up on your interview skills
- Actively research career fields that interest you by attending career programs (Services Fair, alumni speakers, panel discussions, Employer Information Sessions)
- Choose your major based upon alignment to your career planning and eventual credits earned
- Join campus organizations in areas of professional interest. Continue to stay with and explore other campus activities
- Conduct informational interviews with professionals to gain further insight into the career field(s) that are of interest and begin to develop your professional network
- Identify at least three marketable skills you already possess for your chosen career, as well as three more that you hope to develop by the time you graduate
- Begin planning an internship experience
- Have your resume critiqued and updated with experiences you may have participated in within the last year
Junior Year – Focus, Goal Setting, Gaining Experience
Goal: Gain relevant experience and explore career options relevant to your major
- Continue to utilize Handshake
- Continue to practice and polish up your interview skills
- Secure an internship. Also consider volunteer, study abroad and community service opportunities. If feasible, securing more than 1 of these opportunities prior to graduation will increase your marketability for the job hunt and/or grad. school application.
- Run for e-board positions in student organizations and higher offices the next year. These will provide excellent resume material and interview examples
- Continue to attend & participate in both on and off campus career programs in order to explore your options and network with potential employers
- Fine tune your resume, cover letter and interviewing skills as you continue to expand your skills and experience
- Research graduate and professional school options
- Attend the Graduate School Prep Series & Grad School Fair
- Begin planning your final year with CPD to ensure your preparation is on target for meeting the needs of potential employers
Senior Year – Self Marketing
Goal: Identify the career path that is most satisfying, have a successful job search, interview process and secure a job
- Apply for jobs in Handshake
- Join professional organizations
- Fine tune your resume and cover letter for graduation
- Practice your interviewing skills through a mock interview
- Prepare for your job search with all of the prerequisite material (resume, cover letter, transcripts, etc.)
- Attend as many recruiting, informational and networking events as possible both on and off campus