SUNY Old Westbury has agreements with various institutions that can provide pathways for students to enter many of these careers. Below are brief descriptions of some of the various programs that we offer. It is strongly recommended that students interested in careers in the Health Professions seek guidance from a Pre Health Advisor on a regular basis to help them stay on track to reach their goals.
3+4 BS/DO Program with the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM): Allows select high school graduates to enter SUNY Old Westbury’s BS/DO Program as freshman where they can earn a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Biological Sciences and a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree in only 7 years. Students spend the first 3 years at SUNY Old Westbury working towards their undergraduate Biological Sciences degree. After meeting certain minimum requirements they may then be granted acceptance into NYITCOM’s medical school portion of the program where they spend the next 4 years training to become physicians.
4+4 Early Interview Program with the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYITCOM): Allows SUNY Old Westbury students who meet certain minimum requirements to be granted early interviews for NYITCOM’s medical school which can help their chance of being accepted into NYITCOM’s medical school.
3+4 BS/DPM Program with the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM): Allows select high school graduates to enter SUNY Old Westbury’s BS/DPM Program as freshman where they can earn a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Biological Sciences and a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Degree in only 7 years. Students spend the first 3 years at SUNY Old Westbury working towards their undergraduate Biological Sciences degree. After meeting certain minimum requirements they may then be granted acceptance into NYCPM’s podiatric medical school portion of the program where they spend the next 4 years training to become Doctors of Podiatric Medicine.
4+4 Early Interview Program with the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM): Allows SUNY Old Westbury students who meet certain minimum requirements to be granted early interviews for NYCPM’s podiatric medical school which can help their chance of being accepted into NYCPM’s podiatric medical school.
Articulation with SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University: SUNY Old Westbury has Articulation Agreements with SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University that provide pathways for qualified graduates to potentially be accepted into programs at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University leading to careers as Physician Assistants, Nurses and Physical Therapists. There is even a pathway leading to an exciting career in Medical Informatics.