Sociology is the study of human behavior using theories and scientific methods that acknowledge the important role of institutions, economics, culture and group dynamics...
SUNY Old Westbury's Sociology Department serves all students interested in acquiring sociological knowledge. Most courses are open to both majors and nonmajors. The sociological perspective offers students an understanding of the dynamics, principles and patterns that govern human interaction and social structure. At Old Westbury, students will learn the substantive knowledge, theories and methods of the discipline.
Alumni of the SUNY Old Westbury Sociology Department have gone on to successful graduate study and to careers in: teaching, social work, law, law enforcement, research-oriented positions, and more.

SUNY Old Westbury offers both a B.A. and B.S. in Sociology. In both programs, the major provides the necessary grounding in sociological theory, analysis and methods, offers cross-cultural component courses to enhance sociological analysis in a global perspective, through elective courses allows students to delve more deeply in specific areas of interest, and through its senior capstone course engages students to conduct an original primary research project and complete a senior thesis.

provides students with the tools to critically evaluate the structural, cultural and institutional social forces which affect the processes of making laws, breaking laws, and the societal reactions towards deviance and the breaking of laws. The major is highly relevant to those seeking to advance in the fields of law enforcement, corrections, and legal professions.
Besides the minor for Social Work that the Sociology department offers, they are involved with several departments in other minors!
Sociology-Criminology Student Club
The Sociology Department hosts the Sociology/Criminology Club. This student-led SGA-registered organization coordinates educational and social events related to academics, careers, and social justice issues. Getting involved is a great opportunity to learn about Sociology and Criminology, to get to know other Old Westbury students, and to develop your leadership skills.
In addition to providing a source of information and resources related to volunteer, internship, and career opportunities, some of their most successful events (some co-sponsored) have included:
- Career Paths & Options Talks with professors, social workers, corrections officers, and an FBI forensic chemist
- Information Sessions on getting to graduate school, and navigating the major(s)
- Studying and Stress-Reduction socials
Have ideas for more events? Looking for leadership opportunities? Get involved!
Join us at a General Assembly meeting or event, or contact the Soc/Crim Club e-board or Faculty Advisors for more information.
Club Email: sociologycriminologyclub@oldwestbury.edu
Alpha Kappa Delta Honor Society
The name Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) comes from the first letters of the Greek words anthropon (humankind), katamanthanein (to investigate thoroughly) and diakonesein (for the purpose of service). The purpose of AKD, therefore, is to acknowledge and promote excellence in sociological scholarship, the research of social problems, and other social and intellectual activities that may lead to improvement in the human condition.
Membership is by invitation and is based on academic qualifications. At Old Westbury, AKD invitees are typically Sociology and Criminology majors who meet the following criteria:
- 3.5 or better GPA overall
- 3.5 or better GPA in the major
- Junior or Senior standing
- 16 or more credits completed in the major
AKD sponsors an academic journal, Sociological Inquiry, that is committed to the exploration of the human condition in all of its social and cultural complexity. In addition to the honor of being inducted, AKD student members receive a year's subscription to the journal, and are eligible to apply for awards and grants to attend professional conferences.The Sociology Department houses the Beta Alpha Chapter of the International Sociology Honor Society.
For more information, please contact the AKD Faculty Advisor, Prof. Yamamoto.