The Criminology major is offered by the Sociology Department, and therefore it draws extensively from the sociological discipline to prepare students for understanding crime and delinquency. The major in criminology leads to the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. The Sociology Department provides students with the tools to critically evaluate the structural, cultural and institutional social forces which affect the processes of making laws, breaking laws, and the societal reactions towards deviance and the breaking of laws. The major is highly relevant to those seeking to advance in the fields of law enforcement, corrections, and legal professions.
The Criminology Major has four components:
- Basic courses provide students who have no training in sociology with a general introduction to the discipline.
- Foundation courses provide necessary grounding in sociological and criminological theory, analysis, and methods.
- Elective courses chosen by majors allow students to delve more deeply in specific areas pertaining to both criminological and sociological study. (These courses are open to non-majors as well.)
- The Senior Seminar Capstone course requires all majors to conduct an original primary research project and complete a senior thesis.
A total of 120 credits is required for the B.S. degree, including a minimum of 60 credits of liberal arts. A minimum grade of C- or higher is required for all courses counted toward the major. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required in the major.
A. Liberal Education Curriculum
Refer to the Liberal Education Curriculum Bulletin for specific requirements.
B. Major Requirements: 40 credits
1. Introductory Courses (2 courses) 8 credits
- SY1500 Introductory Sociology
- CR1500 Introduction to Criminology
2. Elective Courses (3 courses) 12 credits
- CR2090 Juvenile Delinquency
- CR3092 Victimology
- CR3093 Criminal Justice Administration
- CR3094 Drugs and Society
- CR3099 Sociology of Violence
- CR3117 Policing Bodies
- CR3200 Crime, Media and Culture
- CR4000 Gender, Crime and Justice
- CR4091 Punishment and Corrections
- CR4999 Issues in Criminology
- SY2600 Social Deviance
- SY4270 Internship in Social Work, Sociology and Criminology
- SY4810 Law and Justice
3. Foundation Courses (4 courses) 16 credits
- SY4520 Research Methods I
- SY4530 Sociological Theory I
- SY4570 Research Methods II
- CR4550 Theories of Crime
NOTE: SY4520 Research Methods I must be successfully completed before enrolling in SY4570 Research Methods II.
4. The Capstone Course 4 credits
- SY5990 Senior Seminar