ICaRE Summer Science Program

A female student in a science lab

The Summer Science Program offered by the ICaRE (Institute of Cancer Research and Education) at SUNY Old Westbury provides High School students with an opportunity to learn molecular biology of cancer, cell biology, cancer immunology, biochemistry, neuroscience and microbiology under the mentorship of Faculty. Students will learn how laboratory science can be translated to improved human health and will engage in investigative experiences. Our program gives students the opportunity to:

  1. Understand the process of the scientific method
  2. Apply knowledge to a real world problem and gain research skills.
  3. Learn key laboratory methodologies.
  4. Learn critical reading of peer-reviewed literature on an unknown topic.
  5. Gain experience presenting scientific work through writing and oral presentation
  6. Have fun learning about the science!

Who is this program designed for?

  • Current 9 th – 12th graders who would like to be introduced to core laboratory and research skills are encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Submit the following application materials to icare@oldwestbury.edu

  • ICaRE application form
  • ICaRE program flyer
  • Copy of school transcript
  • Resume/CV
  • Essay (500 words or less) explaining your interest in science and laboratory research
  • A letter of recommendation from a science teacher who can speak of the student’s knowledge and interest in doing science

Program Timeline:

  • April 15st - Application deadline
  • May 1st:  - Notification of acceptance starts
  • June 1st:  – Payments deadline


  • SESSION 1 8/4 – 8/8 Hours 9:00-3:30pm
  • SESSION 2 8/11 - 8/15 Hours 9:00-3:30pm

Program Details:

  • The tuition for a one week session is $950, and is non refundable ($50 discount if paid by May 15th)
  • Two-week applications are prioritized over one-week if the program is full.
  • All payments are due one WEEK after receipt of notification of acceptance and invoice. 
  • Lack of payment will forfeit your acceptance.
  • Students MUST bring their own lunch
  • *No refunds for no-shows
  • ICaRE program is run by SUNY Old Westbury faculty.

Research topics that may be covered include:

  • Cancer cell biology:​
    Learn about research methods used to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate different types of cancer. ​
  • Biochemistry / Molecular Mechanisms of Disease: ​
    Students that choose this session will be able to study enzymes that are important therapeutic targets for disease and how enzymes work at a molecular level.​
  • Immunology:​
    This research area focuses on the role of the immune system in cancer, obesity, and brain tumors.​
  • Neuroscience:​
    Several topics encompassing neuroscience include examining neurons involved in metabolism, Alzheimer’s disease, and neuroglia cells.​
  • Microbiology:​
    Students will learn methods on how to use micro-organisms, such as bacteria, in research.​


The schedule will include live lectures, discussions, group work, and presentations and will be provided prior to the start of camp.