The goal of ICaRE (Institute for Cancer Research and Education) is to bring together faculty across SUNY Old Westbury around a common focus on cancer research, and to provide students cutting-edge research training opportunities and encourage their pursuit of careers in science and medicine.
Summer Research Program
A laboratory science and investigative experience for high school students
ICaRE Faculty
Students learn from accomplished researchers how laboratory science is translated into improved human health
It is important that undergraduate students be exposed to research to gear up their interest in pursuing graduate study in science or medicine. ICare will provide such opportunities by sponsoring students during the academic year and series of intensive summer undergraduate research programs in which students work in the research labs of individual faculty members.
Short Term
Students will engage in research and have the opportunity to present the results of their research in the form of a mandatory poster presentation at collegiate, statewide and national scientific conferences.
Long Term
Partnerships will be established with Ph.D granting institutions to create joint BS- Ph.D degree. Opportunities in research will be extended to High School students. A core equipment laboratory will be set up for use by all members of ICare Teachers training to be high school science educators will be included in the summer training to enhance their research skills.