Field Experience and Research

All students registering for Field Experience and Research (PY 4130) are required to attend ONE MANDATORY ORIENTATION MEETING. The time to attend this meeting is the semester before he/she plans to register for a section of Field Experience and Research, PY 4130. (The orientation meeting schedule is available in the Psychology Department.)

Note: Failure to attend the Mandatory Orientation Meeting will block registration from the Field course. You must SIGN the workshop attendance list to stay registered for Field Experience and Research, PY 4130.

The requirements for Field Experience and Research, PY 4130 include completing a practical experience in an applied setting for 80 hours/semester.

Prerequisites for registration for Field Experience and Research, PY 4130:

  • “C” in Intro. Psychology,
  • “C” in Research Design & Analysis I,
  • and at least 24 credits in Psychology.

The Psychology Department has vital information that you will need in order to secure a placement and maintain your registered status for the course.

For questions, contact: Desiree Hamilton