Below is a set of links containing resources on inclusive pedagogy including books, articles, toolkits and best practices which will be helpful for faculty in creating an inclusive environment when students return to campuses. Please note the resources below were chosen specifically with the current pandemic situation in mind.
- University of Southern California - Tools for Inclusive Teaching is a toolkit of sorts that breaks down populations (race, gender, disability) and also includes articles and offers resources for inclusive teaching.
- Appalachian State University - Inclusive Online Teaching offers insight into “humanizing” on-line instruction
- Rice University Blog - Inclusion, Equity, and Access While Teaching Remotely offers tips on how to create a more inclusive learning environment while teaching remotely.
- Cornell - Building Inclusive Classrooms has resources on Inclusive Teaching, Connecting with students and Universal Design
- ACUE (The Association of College and Universities) - Inclusive Teaching Practice Toolkit and has a complete toolkit on inclusive teaching practices including “how to” videos, 10 practical tips and other reading resources.
- Georgetown’s Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship - Inclusive Pedagogy with resources for fall 2020 specifically and guidance for professors on inclusive techniques with workshop options
- SUNY Cortland workshops on inclusive teaching
- Denison LibGuide on Diversity & Inclusion Resources: Inclusive Pedagogy will send you to articles, books, eBooks and database as a resource for inclusive pedagogy
- NC State University resources including books, inclusive pedagogy and teaching resources, interactive resources and websites and other resources.
- Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning at Indian University Bloomington There are a number of resources available on topics including Teaching for Equity, Managing Difficult Classroom Conversations, and Helping International (and ALL) Students Learn to name a few.
- Baylor University's online EdD program published a resource titled "How to Provide a Multicultural Education". The resource includes information on what multicultural education is and how it can benefit students of all backgrounds. The article then goes into fourteen tips that teachers can use for incorporating multicultural education in the classroom.