Campus Ombuds

student - student life

Please be aware that email is not a secure way to communicate. For that reason the Ombuds does not engage in detailed communications via email.

The primary duties of an ombuds are:

  1. to work with students, faculty, and staff at Old Westbury to explore and assist them in determining options to help resolve conflicts, problematic issues or concerns, and
  2. to bring systemic concerns to the attention of Old Westbury's leadership.
Ombuds Does:
  • Listens and understands issues while remaining neutral
  • Assists in reframing issues and developing and helping individuals evaluate options
  • Guides or coaches individuals to deal directly with other parties
  • Refers individuals to appropriate resolution resources
  • Assists in surfacing issues to formal resolution channels


Ombuds Doesn't
  • Participate in formal investigations or play any role in a formal issue resolution process
  • Receive notice for the organization
  • Make binding decisions or mandate policies
  • Create or maintain records or reports for the organization


When to Use
  • When you need information or assistance in resolving your concern
  • When you are unsure of how to proceed or what options are available
  • When you feel your concerns have not been adequately addressed through formal channels
  • When you don't know where else to go

