Teacher Opportunity Corps Events & Experiences

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Upcoming TOC Seminars

Fall'24 schedule of seminars DROP DOWN MENU
Sep. 10th

TOC Orientation and Q&A, 12:00-1:00 pm

  • Host: Dr. Lynch and Dr. Stemn
Remote event (Zoom)
Sep. 16th

CST Math Prep Part I:Exam Sections Overview & Selected Response 5:00-6:30 pm

  • Host: Dr. Stemn
New Academic Building (NAB) 1100
Sep. 17th

CST Math Prep Part II: Constructed Response 5:00-6:00 pm

  • Host: Dr. Stemn
New Academic Building (NAB) 2125
Sep 18th

Internship Expectations & Resources: 6:00-7:00 pm

  • Host: Dr. Lynch and Dr. Stemn
New Academic Building (NAB) 1100
Oct 03th

Using digital tools to gamify learning and promote student engagement: 1:20-2:40 pm

  • Host: Elizabeth Lainez
New Academic Building (NAB) 1100
Oct 04th

Keys to Co-Teaching and building strong partnerships with colleagues: 11:30am-1:30 pm

  • Host: Regina Restivo
New Academic Building (NAB) 1100
Nov 04th

CST Literacy Prep Part I: Exam sections overview & selected response: 5:00-6:30 pm

  • Hosts: Dr. Lynch
New Academic Building (NAB) 3119
Nov 05th

CST Literacy Prep Part II: Constructed Response  1:30-2:30 pm

  • Hosts: Dr. Lynch
New Academic Building (NAB) 3119
Dec 04th

Internship Showcase & Presentation: 6:00-8:00pm

  • Hosts: Pending
New Academic Building (NAB) 1100
Dec 05 th

End of Semester Celebration: 6:00pm-8:00pm

  • Hosts: Dr. Lynch and Dr. Stemn
New Academic Building (NAB) 2024
Dec 11 th

Field Trip: Hempstead District: 9:30am-12:30pm


Travel details pending

How TOC Seminars Matter

TOC Interns must attend at minimum, THREE seminars per semester, Throughout each semester, several seminars take place which provide participants with opportunities for professional development (PD).

  • PD's offer a way for people to assess their own skills and abilities, consider aims in life, which are needed to actively set action steps to grow and realize your true potential.
  • PD's are all about building your skill set and knowledge base for your field. So the TOC hosted and exclusive events, give emerging teachers a space to learn from experts and apply new knowledge and skills without the pressure of grades.
  • PD's can help to expand and mature TOC scholars' teaching practice, to best serve school children and communities served during internships well in advance of student teaching, and also competitively position TOC graduates among hiring employers. 

TOC Scholars Seminar Take-Away