All applications for external grant support are subject to prior review and approval by select campus officials. The review/approval process is guided by a local routing form. This "routing form" is designed to capture some basic facts about the grant application and to capture two sets of signatures:
- Signatures of concurrence from all faculty who are expected to participate in the grant program; and,
- Signatures of campus officials with oversight responsibility for different aspects of grants activity including Dean(s) of participating faculty; the Research Foundation Campus Operations Manager; the Provost; and the Office of the President. From time-to-time other signatures may also be necessary.
The Office for Research and Sponsored Programs shall be responsible for obtaining approval signatures of campus officials following the Dean's endorsement. It is important for faculty to work directly with their Department Chair and Dean to assure projected workload (instruction, service and research) allows for the proposed grant activity.
How can we help you?
What kind of help do you need with your grant proposal? Let us know; maybe we can provide an assist!
Many will look to our office expecting little more than assistance in construction of a budget and completion of forms. Sure, we can do that -- that's a routine task; but often we can do more if we simply know your needs. Our role is to assist you in the development of complete and responsive proposals -- truly competitive grant applications. So why not drop by and let us know your needs. Let's discuss ways this office and other campus offices may be able to assist you.
Electronic Research Administration: Proposal Submission Websites
Following are several of the most common Internet-Based Proposal Submission Websites for which we can provide an assist:
- (all Federal agencies)
- NSF FastLane and (National Science Foundation)
- NIH eRA-Commons (National Institutes of Health)
- New York State Grants Gateway (all State agencies)