Q: Who can I talk to about making a gift to Old Westbury?
A: Our Advancement team is happy to assist you with any questions you may have about making a gift to SUNY Old Westbury. Visit the Advancement Team directory for additional information.
Q: Can I make my donation anonymous?
A: Of course! You’ll need to provide your personal information so that your gift can be processed, but we can certainly honor your request for anonymity. Please be sure to note your request on our online giving form or any hard-copy gift documents.
Q: Are there any benefits associated with my gift?
A: All gifts, unless otherwise noted, will be acknowledged publicly via The College Foundation's annual Donor Honor Roll. For more information, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (516) 876-3207.
Q: How do I specify that my gift is in honor of, or a memorial for, someone?
A: Memorial or tribute gifts are a wonderful way to honor someone who has made a difference in your life. Please make a notation of your memorial intention on the College Foundation Donation Form or, if your donating via PayPal in the memo section made available online. Please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (516) 876-3207 for additional information.
Q: Can I make multiple donations on the same credit card transaction?
A: Unfortunately, we can only support one gift per credit card transaction at this time.
Q: What is the Old Westbury College Foundation's Tax ID Number?
A: 11-2162880
Q: Is my gift tax deductible?
A: Yes. Your gifts to the Old Westbury College Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible under the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
Q: How do I include Old Westbury in my will?
A: Thank you for considering making a provision for Old Westbury in your estate plans. To learn more about how you can include SUNY Old Westbury or College Foundation in your will, please contact Angela Wambugu Cobb at (516) 876-3207.