On-Campus Promotion Channels

SUNY Old Westbury has several outlets and channels to share the good works and upcoming events sponsored by our faculty, staff, and students. Each channel has a submission process and deadline and follows appropriate University policies and procedures. If there are any questions or comments, please contact the Office of Communications and University Relations

Panther Connect

Panther Connect is the online event promotion system used to promote campus events to students of SUNY Old Westbury. All events in Panther Connect are also available via the Corq app, which can be downloaded from both Google Play and the Apple App Store. Posts to Panther Connect can only be made by campus organizations that register for access

Student E-Newsletter: "Student Connections"

The Student Connections newsletter is distributed to all registered students at SUNY Old Westbury on Monday afternoons during the Fall and Spring semesters via campus email. Student Connections highlights upcoming events and deadlines, leadership opportunities, and news from the Department of Athletics and Recreation. Flyers and posters are accepted by JPEG or PNG. The newsletter is sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, which has final authority over content. For directions on how to submit content, contact Michael Kinane in the Office of Communications and University Relations via email to kinanem@oldwestbury.edu. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on Thursday the week prior to distribution.  

Faculty and Staff E-Newsletter: "The Current"

The Current is a newsletter distributed to all staff and faculty of the University. It is sent twice weekly via campus email during the Fall and Spring semesters - on Monday and Thursday mornings. During the winter and summer intersessions, The Current is distributed on Monday mornings. Submit your news or event item (3-5 sentence maximum) via the Online Current Submission Form. Information must be submitted by 4 p.m. on the Thursday prior for inclusion in a Monday edition and by 4 p.m. on the Tuesday prior for a Thursday inclusion.

On-Campus Digital Signage 

Flyers and posters for posting on the on-campus digital signage in the New Academic Building, Campus Center, and Student Union, can be submitted via email to butlerj@oldwestbury.edu. Students interested in promoting their events through the on-campus digital signage must get previous approvals by the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement. Submissions must be sent in full, one week prior to the event for inclusion. 

Gate A (Route 107) Digital Sign

Each request for display on the Gate A Digital Sign must be sent to John Butler, Office of Communications & University Relations, butlerj@oldwestbury.edu, at least one week prior to the dates requested. Request should include the content (messages are to be 64 total characters – including spaces – or less), dates that the content should run, and contact information.