Sigma Tau Delta
The Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society has over 750 active chapters located in Europe, the Caribbean, and the United States, and every year there are approximately 8,500 new members inducted. The annual induction into Sigma Tau Delta is a recognition of hard work and academic excellence. Old Westbury is proud to offer honored faculty and eligible students membership into this prestigious organization. Sigma provides and promotes interest in literature, language and writing. Joining Sigma Tau Delta is a great way to get to know fellow English majors, to foster friendships among members, and to provide opportunities to work closely with the outstanding English professors who teach at our school. Learn more about SIgma Tau Delta and its eligibility requirement.
Harmonia is the English Department’s creative writing journal. It was created by Professor Williams when she was a student in the English Department in 2004. Publication of the journal has been interrupted more than once, but the department is now dedicated to publishing it once a semester. Harmonia is accepting poetry, lyrics, short stories, and artwork on a rolling basis. Send all submissions to Professor Williams (
Language and Literature Conference
This day-long annual event allows current students to present their research and writing to an audience of their peers and professors. It also has departmental alumni who come to share their careers and experiences with the students. The Language and Literature Conference is held every spring semester as part of SUNY Old Westbury’s Research Week.
Poetry Center
This center for those with an interest in studying, writing or critiquing poetry offers workshops, readings and a library of selected works. They are also host to the Poetry Club, which meets every week.
Poetry Club
The Poetry Club is a group of students—residents and commuters—who believe in freedom of expression through any means necessary. Meeting times and programs for the current semester coming soon.