The Business Administration degree focuses on the delivery of management knowledge and the practice of effective skills. Two areas of specialization are provided to accomplish the overall objective: Management and General Business. The purpose of the Management specialization is to present detailed and current information on the field while encouraging students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to function effectively in a variety of managerial activities. The General Business specialization’s purpose is to provide students with a foundation in the functional areas of business and with the necessary theories and interpersonal skills to assume positions in a variety of industries, organizational types and/or functional areas.
Management Specialization
Management specialization is designed to provide students with detailed and current information on the field while encouraging students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to function effectively in a variety of managerial activities.
General Business Specialization
The General Business specialization’s purpose is to provide students with a strong foundation in the functional areas of business and with the necessary theories and interpersonal skills to assume positions of responsibilities in a variety of industries, organizational types and/or functional areas.
A. Liberal Education Curriculum and Freshman Seminar
B. Business Core: 50 cr.
- PE2420 Principles of Microeconomics (GE)
- PE2430 Principles of Macroeconomics
- BU3010 Information Systems for Managers
- MA2000 Applied Statistics
- MA2300 Calculus for Business & Economics (GE)
- BU3502 Accounting I 3cr.
- BU3511 Accounting II 3cr.
- BU3600 Principles Business Law 2cr.
- BU3800 Marketing: Principles & Concepts
- BU3905 Business Communication 2cr.
- BU4110 Organizational Behavior & Management
- BU4762 Financial Management
- BU5115 Operations Management
- BU5190 Business Strategy & Policy
C. Students must choose one of the following degrees:
BS in Business Administration/Management:
(5 courses with 16 credits min. OW)
- BU4120 Global Business
- BU5171 Human Resource Management
- BU5196 Leadership
Select two of the following:
- BU4035 Web Systems & Electronic Commerce
- BU4130 Entrepreneurship
- BU5125 Business Ethics
- BU5195 Management Seminar
BS in Business Admin. /General Business:
(5 courses w/16 credits min. OW)
- BU4120 Global Business
- BU4774 Financial Markets & Institutions
- BU4851 Consumer Behavior
- BU5171 Human Resource Management
Select one of the following:
- BU4035 Webs Systems & Electronic Commerce
- BU4130 Entrepreneurship
- BU5125 Business Ethics
- BU5880 Brand Theory & Strategy
Departmental Requirements 70 cr.
D. General Electives