It is the policy of the College to authorize and pay an employee for an Extra Service assignment in instances when the performance of service is beyond that which is normally required by the professional obligation as defined by the employee’s performance program.
I. Policy
It is the policy of the College to authorize and pay an employee for an Extra Service assignment in instances when the performance of service is beyond that which is normally required by the professional obligation as defined by the employee’s performance program. Such assignments include, but are not limited to, teaching, research, public service or taking on significant, additional duties and responsibilities. Examples of components of a faculty member’s professional obligation which are normally considered not to be Extra Service appear in Exhibit A.
The request for an Extra Service should clearly specify how the assignment exceeds what is normally performed under the regular obligation and the assignment must not interfere with the employee’s regular professional obligations. A professional employee (faculty or Non-Teaching Professional (NTP)) can perform Extra Service at the home campus or at another state campus or agency.
Rules and regulations surrounding extra service compensation within the State University of New York are grounded in several state documents and publications including the UUP Agreement, the Policies of the Board of Trustees and other guiding memoranda from SUNY.
II. Procedures
To initiate an Extra Service request the employee’s supervisors determine if the assignment qualifies as Extra Service according to this policy. If so, an UP-8 form must be completed by the employee and approved by departmental supervision (Provost /Vice President/Dean/Chair/Director).
The UP-8 is then forwarded to the Human Resources Office for processing and subsequent review and approvals from the Budget Office and the President’s Office. This form, with approval signatures, is required by the Office of the State Comptroller and SUNY System Administration before payment can occur.
The UP-8 should be completed online using the Interview Exchange System and approvals of designated College officials are to be obtained prior to starting the assignment. For certain assignments, completion of an Extra Service Payroll Voucher (Timesheet - Exhibit B) will be required. The Timesheet can be accessed over the Web or obtained from departmental secretaries or the Payroll Office.
If Extra Service compensation for a full-time employee is based on an hourly salary computation, the employee must complete a Timesheet for the period worked. The Payroll Office will not pay the employee until receipt of the required documents. Timely submission of the signed timesheet by the employee and approved by supervision is critical since the Office of the State Comptroller has refused payment for items where significant time has elapsed between completion of the work and submission of the required documents.
III. Approval of Extra Service Assignments
SUNY’s policy requires written approval for Extra Service to be obtained prior to the start of the additional responsibilities. It further states that Extra Service performed in advance of such approval will not be compensated.
The Chancellor has delegated approval authority to campus Presidents (except for M/Cs which require Chancellor’s approval). The President has final approval authority on campus and in his discretion, may delegate such authority to a Cabinet member or senior level official.
IV. Restrictions
Extra Service is only to be paid to full-time employees and is not to exceed 20% of base salary if the funds are paid from the New York State payroll. The 20% is calculated for faculty over the academic year and for NTPs over the fiscal year beginning July 1.
Extra Service requests for M/C employees require approval by the Chancellor or designee.
A Department Chair with a stipend or a faculty member with a course release is not eligible for Extra Service compensation except in exigent circumstances as determined by the Administration.
The SUNY Extra Service policy considers only state work or service when determining the 20% base salary limit and excludes service not paid from the New York State payroll. Therefore, if a full-time employee on the state payroll is performing extra work paid by a separate legal entity other than New York State, the amount will not be included in 20% of base salary limit for extra service.
The Research Foundation Extra Service Policy, however, includes SUNY service paid from the New York State payroll when determining the 20% base salary limit. Therefore, if a full-time employee on the Research Foundation payroll is performing extra work for the State, the Research Foundation would consider the amount of their state earnings when determining the 20% of base salary limit.
Extra service compensation is not to be used in lieu of overtime for a professional employee deemed non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
V. Summer Regulations
Full-time employees are eligible for summer extra service only during periods which do not overlap their academic-year obligation. The President approves the academic calendar; thus, establishing the date at the start of the academic year upon which faculty are expected to assume the duties of their positions, and also the date at the end of the academic year after which the staff are free to undertake other commitments. If the professional obligation of a Department Chair extends through the summer, the Chair cannot be paid for any form of extra service.
Faculty may earn 1/9 of base salary per month (not to exceed three months) during the summer. NTPs may begin or continue Extra Service during the summer subject to the 20% base salary limit. A table of rates and periods worked can be found at Summer Session Appointment and Compensation Rates and in (Exhibit C). Part-time summer session appointments are to be made on a pro rata basis and compensation at lesser amounts may be offered.
A Department Chair may be paid a stipend for duties performed solely during the summer after completion of the academic year professional obligation. Payment of such stipend precludes other summer employment within the University.
VI. Research Foundation Extra Service
Although the Research Foundation Extra Service Policy is separate from SUNY’s, it parallels SUNY policy with few exceptions. Similar to SUNY’s policy, Extra Service assignments require prior approval by RF and College officials, as appropriate. Extra Service paid for research activities must be consistent with any policies of the grant sponsor.
VII. References
SUNY Policy Title: Extra Service for Professional Staff Document Number: 8800
SUNY Policy Title: Summer Session Appointment and Compensation Rates Document Number: 8802
SUNY Research Foundation Policy Title: Assigning Extra Service Policy
SUNY Research Foundation Policy Title: Salary Rules and Policies When Assigning Summer Employees
Agreement between United University Professions and the State of New York
VIII. Review and Approval
This policy was prepared jointly by the Division of Business & Finance and the Office of Human Resources. It was reviewed with the Division of Academic Affairs and the Research Foundation campus office prior to final approval by the President.
Exhibit A – Components of a faculty member professional obligation
The following service activities are examples of components of a faculty member’s professional obligation and not considered extra service. These examples are among the common considerations, but are not meant to be all inclusive:
Normal student/academic advisement
Mentoring new faculty
Mentoring of students in research
Assessment and periodic program review activities
Proctoring exams/guest lecturing for other faculty
Grading exams and papers
Occasional (short-term) instruction to fill-in for colleagues when necessary
Participation in ad hoc service activities (recruitment efforts, registration, campus functions, search committees, etc.)
Activities related to securing and maintaining accreditations
Activities performed based on expertise/skills reflected in appointment.
Activities performed for programs within the employee’s school/college.
Activities are performed at location(s) routine for the unit.
College committee service (strategic planning, IT governance, capital planning, budget, etc.)
Trainings related to regular professional obligation and professional development
Because circumstances can be unique, the guiding consideration is the appointment letter or job description of the employee’s professional obligation.
The Office of Human Resources is responsible for determining allowability of extra service or overload for activities performed on the state payroll and the Research Foundation Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for determining allowability of extra service on research grants. Please contact the respective office if you require assistance.
Exhibit C – Compensation Table for Summer Session*
The following rates of compensation for full-time summer appointments of professional employees having an academic-year obligation is determined by applying the following schedule to the calculated annual academic-year salary.
Length of Service | Maximum Percentage of Academic Year Salary |
1 week | 2.67 |
2 weeks | 5.33 |
3 weeks | 8 |
4 weeks | 10.67 |
1 month | 11.11 |
5 weeks | 15 |
6 weeks (See Example Below) | 16 |
7 weeks | 18 |
8 weeks | 20 |
2 months | 22.22 |
More than 2 months but not to exceed 3 months | 11.11 per month |
The above are maximum percentages for full-time service. Part-time summer session appointments are to be made on a pro rata basis. Compensation at lesser amounts may be offered.
It is possible that for compelling reasons some exceptions to this policy must be granted; if an exception is sought, the request, with full explanation, shall be sent directly to the office of University-wide human resources. Unless and until authorization is given, no binding commitment may be made beyond the three month level.
A full-time employee’s Academic Year’s Salary is $60,000 and the employee’s extra service summer assignment is for 6 weeks. The maximum extra service payment for that employee would be $9,600 ($60,000 x .16).
* Source: SUNY Policy: Summer Session Appointment and Compensation Rates -Document Number: 8802