Notification of Campus Construction Projects

Approved Date

This policy outlines procedures for timely notifications regarding campus construction projects in progress and those in planning for the academic year.

Policy Elaboration

I. Policy and Scope 

This policy outlines procedures for timely notifications regarding campus construction projects in progress and those in planning for the academic year. It is designed to assist the Campus Community, including visually and mobility impaired students, faculty and staff, in navigating around temporary construction barriers and detours impacting paths of travel during the completion of a capital project. 

II. Responsibilities 

The Office of Capital Planning (OCP) and the Facilities Department (Facilities) will be primarily responsible for the overall implementation of this policy. OCP and Facilities will coordinate with the Office of Public & Media Relations in the creation, timing, methods and means of delivering announcements regarding construction work on the campus.

III. Procedures

To implement this policy OCP and Facilities, at a minimum, will:

  1. Make quarterly announcements to the campus regarding capital projects in progress and those starting within the next quarter using available social media outlets, newsletters, college websites and meetings with those who may be adversely impacted by the changes associated with the construction projects.
  2. Post highly visible warning signage in proximity to areas where construction will take place.
  3. Cordon off and restrict areas where construction will take place.
  4. Erect temporary fencing and alternate safe pathways where needed.
  5. Periodically meet with the Director of the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities and visually and hearing impaired students. Using the appropriate medium, OCP and Facilities will inform students of campus construction projects and obtain feedback from them regarding ways to improve the notification process.
  6. Provide an on-site representative or campus site supervision responsible for monitoring the actions of contractors doing the work.
  7. Provide timely updates in the event of significant changes in schedule or routes for work.

IV. Reference  

March 23, 2017 Memorandum from the Vice Chancellor, Office for Capital Facilities, State University Construction Fund re: Construction Notification to Improve Safety.

V. Review and Approval

This policy was prepared by the Division of Business & Finance and reviewed by the Director of Capital Planning, the Director of Facilities, the Assistant to the President for Administration and the College’s Internal Control Officer prior to Presidential approval.