Internal Controls

All of us can help strengthen and protect our assets by being alert to activities or situations that may detract, rather than enhance the University's standing.

The Internal Control Act of 1987 requires that all state agencies and their units, including the State University of New York at Old Westbury, have a formal internal control program. This program ensures that the University’s resources are protected and are aligned with the College’s goals. 

Internal Controls take many forms and are necessary for our University to operate effectively. Some obvious internal controls are policies and procedures, contracts and budgets. Some security-related controls are passwords, identification cards, keys, and alarms. Some controls are behind the scenes, like time and attendance records, accreditation standards, the Faculty Senate and the Student Government Association. 

The Internal Controls staff seeks to fulfill the requirements of the Act by monitoring the controls implemented to protect campus resources from loss, waste, or damage. Through reviews of various offices, programs and activities, the Internal Controls staff provides the administration with recommendations for improving operations and efficiency.  The President fully supports the Internal Control Program and has encouraged all employees to be vigilant in their efforts to maintain sound internal controls in their daily routines. 

areas of review
  • Monitoring and evaluating the University’s overall internal control system through periodic internal control reviews of University departments. 
  • Coordinating the development and implementation of written campus policies which are to be complied with by all students, faculty and staff.
  • Monitoring identified weaknesses and required corrective actions.
  • Ensuring that employees receive appropriate training in internal controls.
  • Completing all SUNY Administration’s reporting requirements as they relate to internal controls. 
  • Providing assistance to the Student Government Association - review controls, budget and contract matters.
if you suspect fraud

If you suspect any fraud, waste, abuse or irregular activities within the University, you may report these allegations in person or anonymously in writing to the Vice President, Business & Finance and CFO or the Assistant to the President for Administration.

Please provide as much detail as possible so that the matter can be investigated properly.
