The Psychology Department provides students with a background in the major areas of expertise within the modern discipline of psychology. Completion of requirements for a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology ensures that students have been given an extensive background in research methods and have been introduced to the basic areas of specialization within psychology. While some students begin employment with a Bachelor’s degree, in order to advance professionally, many students go on to pursue graduate degrees in psychology or social work. The program provides majors with a strong background for entering graduate studies in many related fields of human service.
In addition to meeting all the requirements for the B.A. in Psychology, students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following:
- Math at the Pre-calculus level or higher (Currently, MA2090)
- Two years (4 semesters) of science courses (Biology, Chemistry, and/or Physics). [Courses for non-science majors (e.g., BS2100 Bio for Non-Majors, CP2300 Weather Studies, CP2400 Ocean Studies, CP2500 Climate Studies) cannot be applied toward the B.S. degree.
- Minimum grade of C or higher in the math and science courses for the B.S.
Students wishing to earn the B.S. degree must have their program approved by a faculty advisor in the Psychology Department no later than the end of the first half of their junior year.