The major in Media and Communications provides students with a broad-based education emphasizing theoretical, historical and experiential learning in an interdisciplinary context. Its curriculum is designed to give students a grounding in the economic, political, social, and intellectual history of the U.S.
A wide variety of courses is offered both on theoretical and practical levels, in communications and all varieties of media including:
- Radio
- Television
- Newspapers
- Interactive Media
The aim is to enable students to develop strong writing, reporting and other communications skills. Further, the goal is to assist students in developing a critical view of the role and dynamics of media in contemporary American society.
Students gain practical experience through internships in a variety of fields. They intern in media organizations ranging from television and radio stations to newspapers and magazines - throughout Long Island and the New York Metropolitan Area. This major is appropriate for students interested in careers in media. It also serves as a foundation for students who want to do graduate work in media studies, journalism and communications.
Requirements (120 credits, 90 credits in liberal arts)
Liberal Education Curriculum
Refer to the Liberal Education Curriculum Bulletin for specific requirements.
Major Requirements
There are fourteen courses totaling 56 credits which include:
Knowledge of American Society (8 credits)
AS2112-AS2122 The American People I and II.
Students may substitute one of the following courses for AS2112 or AS2122; AS1282 Introduction to African American Studies; AS2252 U.S. Social Movements, AS2262 African American History I; AS2263 African American History II; AS2300 Problems in U.S. Environmental History; AS2640 Intro to U.S. Latina/o History; AS3222 Urban History; AS3270 Africa In the Americas; AS3462 History of Women in the U.S.
Note: These courses should be taken as early as possible and, in no case, later than the junior year.
Media Studies Courses (12 credits)
Students must complete three media studies courses.
media studies courses
Select 3
- AS2020 New Media CE
- AS2652 Media Studies
- AS2700 The Engaged Eye
- AS3310 From Citizen to Consumer
- AS3632 History of U.S. Film
- AS3712 American Film Genres
- AS3722 History of Mass Media
- AS3732 Politics of Media
- AS3735 Documentary Media Studies
- AS3742 Myths and Images in Film
- AS3745 Film and Gender
- AS3810 Music and Media
- AS3830 Public Relations and Society
- AS3842 African-Americans and the Mass Media
- AS3852 Women and the Media
- AS4160 Special Topics in Media Studies
- AS4280 Global Media
- AS4722 Film: Ideas and Aesthetics
- AS4725 The Photograph and American Culture
- AS4732 Political Film
- AS4850 Digital Revolution
- SY4651 Sociology of Communications and Media
Writing, Analysis and Research (12 credits)
AS2802 Introduction to Journalism and Media
AS3800 Writing for Media
AS4802 Investigative Reporting
Media Production Courses (12 credits)
Students must complete four media production courses.
media production courses
Select four
- AS3247 Intro. to Video and TV
- AS3820 Radio Production and Editing
- AS3822 TV and Radio Journalism
- AS4150 Radio on the Air
- AS4260 New Media Newsroom
- AS4442 Feature Writing
- AS4812 Editing for Publication
- AS4822 Advanced Reporting and News Writing
- AS4825 Making A Newspaper
- AS4852 Advanced Video: Documentary
- AS4870 Advanced TV: Studio Production
- AS4882 Radio Reporting
- AS4935 TV in Action
- AS4940 Journalism in Action
- AS4945 Radio in Action
- AS4955 New Media in Action
- AS4965 Video In Action
- VA2320 Graphic Design I
- VA2400 Intro. to Photography
- VA3400 Digital Imaging
- VA4260 Interactive Web Design
- VA4265 3-D Digital Design
- VA4320 Graphic Design II
- VA4360 Advanced Electronic Media Production
- VA4460 Digital Animation
Internship (4 credits)
Students may take up to twelve credits in internships, but only four credits count toward the major. Students may take an internship off campus, but may also take an internship on campus at OWWR (Old Westbury Web Radio), The Catalyst (college newspaper) OWTV (Old Westbury TV), or the Collaborative Media Center.
- AS4832 Internship in Journalism and Media
Capping Courses (8 credits)
Two courses at the Senior level are required as the program's capping experience.
capping course titles
Select two
- AS5000 Topics in US History in Global Perspective
- AS5112 American Voices
- AS5200 Environmental Journalism
- AS5212 Narrative and History
- AS5312 History of US Culture
- AS5350 History of the Slave Narrative
- AS5412 Protest and Change
- AS5420 Propaganda & Mass Persuasion
- AS5712 Mass Media and Popular Culture
- AS5725 Senior Media Portfolio
- AS5800 Research in American History and Culture
- AS5862 The Journalist as Creative Writer
Portfolio Recommended
All Media and Communications majors should assemble a portfolio for recognition of college work and for employment. The portfolio should contain samples of work done in courses and the Internship in Journalism. The portfolio should contain examples of written work, both published and submitted as class assignments, and selected graphics, radio programs and videos.
Program Policies:
- All Media and Communications majors should see an adviser at least once a semester.
- Only one grade of D+, D or D- will be accepted toward the major. Students must request this inclusion from the chair of American Studies.
- A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be achieved in the major.
- Only two 1000 or 2000 level courses will be counted towards the major beyond AS2802 and all "Knowledge of American Society" courses AS2112, 2122, 2252, 2262, 2263, 2300, 2640.
- In order to qualify for independent study, students must have sophomore standing and a B (3.0) average. Only four credits of independent study will be counted toward the major.
- Only four credits of internship can be applied toward the major. Students can take up to twelve credits which will be counted toward graduation, but only four will be applied toward the major. Students must see an adviser to plan their internship.
- Only five courses can be transferred from another college or university and accepted for credit toward the major.
- In general, 4000 and 5000 level courses will NOT be taught during the summer sessions.
- All students in their junior year should make an appointment with the Chair to make sure that they are on track for graduation.