The B.S. degree program is the recommended program for students planning graduate study in chemistry. It also prepares graduates for baccalaureate careers in the chemical sciences, and scientific positions related to the environment, energy, and health sciences. For those who wish to continue their education on the graduate level, an optional program based on recommendations of the American Chemical Society’s Committee on Professional Training has been designed as an integral extension of the B.S. degree program.
This optional curriculum has received full certification from the American Chemical Society (ACS). Students who complete the ACS approved program will be awarded an ACS certified B.S. degree in chemistry.
Requirements -120 Credits
A. Liberal Education
Refer to the Liberal Education Curriculum for specific requirements.
B. Core Requirements- Include 3 Chemistry electives- 64 credits minimum
- CP2120 Principles of Chemistry I 3cr.
- CP2121 Principles of Chemistry I Lab 1cr.
- CP2130 Principles of Chemistry II 3cr.
- CP2131 Principles of Chemistry II Lab 1cr.
- CP3300 Organic Chemistry I 3cr.
- CP3302 Organic Chemistry I Lab 2cr.
- CP3310 Organic Chemistry II 3cr.
- CP3312 Organic Chemistry II Lab 2cr.
- CP3400 Analytical Chemistry 5cr.
- CP4700 Physical Chemistry I 3cr.
- CP4710 Physical Chemistry II 3cr.
- CP4720 Physical Chemistry Lab 2cr.
- CP4800 Advanced Chemical Methods 5cr.
- CP5920 Seminar I 1cr.
- CP5921 Seminar II 1cr.
- CP2240 General Physics I 3cr.
- CP2241 General Physics I Lab 1cr.
- CP2250 General Physics II 3cr.
- CP2251 General Physics II Lab 1cr.
- MA2310 Calculus I 4cr.
- MA2320 Calculus II 4cr.
- MA3330 Calculus III 4cr.
- MA3160 Linear Algebra 4cr.
- MA4360 Differential Equations 4cr.
- CP3230 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 3cr.
Chemistry Electives (at least three of the following) 7-11 credits
- CP3230 Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences 3cr.
- CP3450 Inorganic Chemistry 3cr.
- CP4320 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3cr.
- CP4490 Biochemistry for Life Sciences 3cr.
- CP4510 Biochemistry I 3cr.
- CP4515 Biochemistry II 3cr.
- CP4520 Biochemistry Lab 2cr.
- CP5500 Advanced Topics in Chemistry 3cr.
- CP5900 Research1 2‑4 cr. *
- CP9990 Independent Study in Chemistry/Physics 2‑4cr.
*-No more than 4 credits of research can be counted toward satisfying elective requirements and no more than 8 credits toward degree requirements.
C. General Electives
In consultation with Academic Advisor
Requirements for a B.S. Degree in Chemistry with American Chemical Society Certification
To be eligible for ACS Certification, students must complete all requirements for the B.S. Degree in Chemistry with two of the three electives being Biochemistry I (CP4510) and Inorganic Chemistry CP3450. The remaining elective must be chosen from Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences (CP3230), Advanced Organic Chemistry (CP4320) or Biochemistry II (CP4515). Research (CP5900, 4 credits) as an elective for ACS Certification must include a comprehensive and well-documented research report. No more than 4 credits of research will count toward the ACS certification.