Use of University Facilities for Internal Events

Approved Date

Procedures for the use of University facilities by students, faculty and staff for events held on campus. For procedures related to an external event sponsored by an outside third party.


Policy Elaboration



It is the policy of the State University of New York at Old Westbury (University) to establish guidelines for use of University facilities by students, faculty and staff for events held on campus. For procedures related to an external event sponsored by an outside third party, refer to Old Westbury’s Procedure B-02. 




     a. A student, faculty or staff member seeking to hold an event on the University campus is responsible for obtaining initial approval for the proposed event from their immediate supervisor, and, as appropriate, the Office of Student Activities (for students), the Office of Academic Affairs (for faculty) or the respective Division Head or Vice President (for staff). 

     b. Students and student organizations should follow the procedures in Section 4.1 of this document, entitled “Student Requests”. 

     c. University-affiliated organizations and ancillary groups, such as alumni and unions, should follow the procedures in Section 4.2 of this document, entitled “Faculty/Staff Requests”. If the proposed event is sponsored by a union organization, a copy of the request form should be forwarded to the Assistant to the President for Administration for informational purposes. 

2.2 The Office of Student Activities of the Division of Student Affairs (Student Activities) is responsible for granting preliminary approval for student requested events, obtaining approval from the Vice President of Student Affairs, requesting usage of the room, facility or area from the Office of Facilities Rentals and placing its “seal of approval” on campus advertising (flyers) for the event after receiving notification by the Office of Facilities Rentals. 

2.3 The Department Chair is responsible for granting preliminary approval for faculty requested event content and for obtaining approval from the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 

2.4 The Division Head or Vice President is responsible for approving the event content, determining that the event does not conflict with the University or SUNY guidelines and ensuring that the event is properly managed. 

2.5 The Office of Facilities Rentals of the Division of Business & Finance (Facilities Rental) is responsible for determining the availability of the requested room, facility or area, notifying the Requestor of its availability and scheduling the event on the college calendar (Banner System). In addition, this Office is responsible for contacting the Chief Facilities Officer to confirm the use of a sound technician when requested by a student, faculty or staff member. 

2.6 The Permit Committee is responsible for preliminary approval of the event and use of facilities, identifying college-wide resource requirements, determining the price and cost for the event and recommending the event to the President.

2.7 The President has final approval for the event and must be consulted if concerns arise regarding the propriety of an event. 



3.1 The Requestor, for the purpose of this policy, is a student, faculty or staff member of the University, or an organization affiliated with the University. 

3.2 An Internal Event is an affair or organized gathering coordinated by a member of the University’s student body, faculty, staff or organization. 

3.3 A Facility can be any of the following: a room (Maguire Theatre, a classroom, conference or presentation room, etc.); a building (Student Union, Clark Center, etc.) or an area (Trainor field, baseball fields, etc.). 

3.4 A Vice President, for the purpose of this policy, is considered to be any of the following: the VP of Academic Affairs; the VP of Enrollment Management & Marketing; the VP of Institutional Advancement; the VP of Student Affairs; the VP of Communications; the Chief Financial Officer; the Executive Director of Human Resources and any Special Assistant to the University President.

3.5 A Department Head, for the purpose of this policy, is considered to be any of the following: the Chief of University Police; and the Chief Information Officer. 




     a. After the preliminary approvals in Sections 2.1a. and 2.2 have been obtained, the student must complete an “Internal Event Facilities Request Form” (Exhibit 1) and submit it to Student Activities. Every effort should be made to submit requests six weeks in advance. 

     b. Student Activities will forward the application to the Vice President of Student Affairs for review and approval of content. Once approved by the Vice President, the application is returned to Student Activities. 

     c. Student Activities will forward the application to Facilities Rentals who will review the campus-wide scheduling system and input the event into the system if no conflicts exist. Should there be a problem with scheduling or approvals, Facilities Rentals will advise Student Activities to notify the student. 

     d. For large events (over 100 people), Student Activities will submit the application to the Permit Committee for review. The Permit Committee will determine if additional staffing from Facilities or University Police is required and return the application, along with their recommendation to Student Activities.

     e. If the event is recommended by the Permit Committee, Student Activities will forward the approved application to Facilities Rentals and apply its “seal of approval” to campus advertising (flyers) for the event. If not approved, Student Activities will notify the student. 

     f. Once Facilities Rentals receives the approved application from Student Activities, it will complete the “Notification of Facilities’ Use” form (Exhibit 2) and distribute copies of the form to affected departments. 



     a. After the preliminary approvals in Sections 2.1a., 2.3 and 2.4 have been obtained from the respective offices, the Requestor must complete an “Internal Event Facilities Request Form” (Exhibit 1) and submit it to Facilities Rentals. Every effort should be made to submit requests six weeks in advance. 

     b. Facilities Rentals will review the campus-wide scheduling system and input the event into the system if no conflicts exist. Should there be a problem with scheduling or approvals, Facilities Rentals will advise the Requestor. 

     c. For large events (over 100 people), Facilities Rentals will submit the request to the Permit Committee for review. The Permit Committee will determine if additional staffing from Facilities or University Police is required and return the application, along with its recommendation to Facilities Rentals. 

     d. Facilities Rentals will notify the Requestor of the Permit Committee’s recommendation. If approved, Facilities Rentals will complete a “Notification of Facilities Use” form (Exhibit 2) and distribute copies of the form to affected departments. 



It is important that the Requestor notify Facilities Rentals immediately if there is a change or cancellation of the event. Facilities Rentals will notify appropriate parties of the change or cancellation. 



The following authoritative documents were referenced in the preparation of this policy: 

     a. SUNY’s Procedure Manual, Section 008 - Use of University Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations 

     b. Campus Procedure B-02, Use of College Facilities for External Events 

     c. Old Westbury’s Student Conduct Handbook 



This policy was reviewed by the Permit Committee, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Chief Financial Officer, the Assistant to the President for Administration and the Executive Assistant to the President prior to approval by the President.

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