New Academic Building
Courses Taught
- African History
- Culture and Religion
- African Literature
- Historiography
- Caribbean Literature
- Human Rights
- African Cinema
- World History
- Ph.D 1992 Doctorat de 3ème cycle Paris VII University-African History
“Urbanisme et architecture ‘créoles’ en Sierra Leone (18ème-19ème siècles)”
[Creole urbanism and architecture in 18th & 19th century Sierra Leone] - Master’s 1979 Paris IV-Sorbonne-Classics
“L’image du Noir dans l’art et la littérature grecs, 5ème-1er siècle av. J.C.”
[The image of Black people in Greek art and literature of the 5th to 1st century B.C.E.] - B.A. 1975-1977 2 years of preparation for École Normale Supérieure (ENS) at Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris-Classics (French, Latin, Greek)
Research Interests
- Humani nihil a me alienum puto.
- Gestuaire, poèmes. Collection Blanche. Gallimard, 2016. Awarded the Prix de poésie Louise Labé 2017
- La quête infinie de l’autre rive. Épopée en trois chants. [The Never-ending Quest for the Other Shore. Epic poem in Three Cantos] Collection Continents Noirs. Gallimard, 2011. Short-listed for Prix Mahogany 2012 and Prix des Découvreurs 2013. Awarded Prix Lucienne Gracia-Vincent 2017
- German translation of La quête infinie de l’autre rive by Tim Trzaskalik. Matthes & Seitz (forthcoming Fall 2018). Excerpt published in Schreibheft. Zeitschrift für Literature88 (Spring 2017) 135-149.
- English translation of La quête infinie de l’autre rive by Alexander Dickow (unpublished). Excerpt won a runner-up place in journal Asymptote’s translation competition of 1/15/14
- Lagon, lagunes. Tableau de mémoire [Lagoons. Memory board (poetic prose)]. Collection Continents Noirs. Gallimard, 2000
- Terres, urbanisme et architecture “créoles” en Sierra Leone (18ème-19ème siècles). L’Harmattan, 1998
- (Editor of) Discours sur le métissage, identités métisses. En quête d’Ariel (Proceedings of conference organized at NYU on hybridity) L’Harmattan, 1999
Office Hours
- Monday 9:15-11:15am & 1-2pm