Svetlana Jović

Svetlana Jović's picture
Assistant Professor
Developmental Psychology
New Academic Building
Courses Taught
  • PY 2010 Introduction to Psychology
  • PY 2530 Psychology of Prejudice
  • PY 3010 Research, Design, & Analysis I
  • PY 3120 Research Methods II: Basic Statistics for Psychologists
  • PY 3215 Foundations of Child Development
  • PY 4130 Field Experience & Research
  • PY 4200 Research, Design, & Analysis II
  • PY 4420 Adolescent Development
  • PY 5210 Seminar in Developmental Psychology


  • 2017 Ph.D. Developmental Psychology - The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY
  • 2013 M.Phil Developmental Psychology - The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY
  • 2007 BA. &. M.A. 5-year Combined Degree Program Faculty of Philosophy - University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Research Interests

Dr. Jović’s research concerns socio-cognitive development among children and youth in challenging contexts, including poverty, migration, cultural diversity, and integration. Dr. Jović studies the effects inequality has on development from the perspective of human potential and resilience, rather than a deficit-oriented perspective. Through acknowledging the detrimental effects of the socioeconomic (and political) challenges that many adolescents—especially the underrepresented—experience, Dr. Jović’s work emphasizes the socio-cognitive advantages that young people growing up in adversity acquire. Grounded in sociocultural psychology, which asserts that being a person is fundamentally a social transaction, Dr. Jović’s research recognizes that human nature is not fixed, but rather arises out of changing social conditions that it, in turn, produces. Moving away from individualistic and decontextualized notions of human development, Dr. Jović’s work situates psychological processes as relational and socioculturally embedded. Dr. Jović employs a diverse array of methodologies, including narrative and discourse analyses (both textual and visual), spatial methodologies, and community-based research approaches.


[13]  Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. M. (2024). Resistance and Transformative Possibilities: New York City Youth’s Photo-narrative Exploration of Belonging and Othering. Human Arenas. 

[12] Pipitone, J. M. & Jović, S. (2022). Urban nature and sense of belonging: Photo-narrative exploration of socio-spatial disparities in New York City. Ecopsychology. ahead of print

[11] Jović, S. (2021). Calling Out Injustice: Youth from Differently Privileged Backgrounds Narrate About Injustice. Human Arenas, 6, 41–61. 

[10] Pipitone, J.M. & Jović, S. (2021). Urban green equity and COVID-19: Effects on park use and sense of belonging in New York City. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 65, 1-12. 

[9] Jović, S. (2020). The narrative games we play: Varied use of narrative strategies across genres and socioeconomic positions. Language and Communication, 74, 87-102. 

[8] Neuwirth, L.S., Jović, S. Mukherji, B.R. (2020). Reimagining higher education during and post-COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 0(0), 1-16.

[7] Audley, S. & Jović, S. (2020). Making meaning of children’s social interactions: The value tensions among school, classroom, and peer culture. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. 24.

[6] Jović, S. (2019). “They have been in both positions”: Narrative exploration of adolescents’ sense-making about injustice from the positions of the object and subject of injustice. Qualitative Psychology. Advance online publication.   

[5] Jović, S. (2015). Who you are is where you are: Urban youth’s context-dependent experiences of the important life aspects. In B. Selau & R. Fonseca (Eds.), Cultural-historical approach: Educational research in different contexts (pp. 161–191). Porto Alegre, Brazil: EDIPUCRS.

[4] Jović, S. (2014). Evaluative devices as a narrative tool for enacting relational complexity: A window into implicit meaning in adolescents’ narratives. Narrative Inquiry, 24(1), 113–131.

 [3] Brooks, P., Dow, E., Jović, S., Kreniske, P., Panjwani, A., Sawyer, J., Schwartz, A., Shane-Simpson, C., Yannaco, F. & P. Yuksel-Sokmen, O. (2014). Useful books and websites for developing pedagogy. In B. Beins, & W. Buskist, (Eds.). Preparing the new professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers (2nd ed., pp. 258–275). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:

[2] Shane-Simpson, C., Jović, S., Obeid, R., Fiani, T. & Brooks, P. (2014). History of the Graduate Student Teaching Association (GSTA). In B. Beins, & W. Buskist, (Eds.). Preparing the new professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers (2nd ed., pp. 27–35). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:

[1] Žeželj, I., Jović, S., Mihajlović, B., Savić, S., Tadić, M., & Vučetić, A. (2006). Experimental test of efficiency of different strategies used to build resistance to persuasion conditional on category of medium that transmits the message. Psihologija (Psychology), 39(2), 147-167.


[2] Chancellor, J. & Jović, S. (2015). 2nd edition, Writing Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Faculty (Social Science Edition), Prepared for Bronx Community College, CUNY (

[1] Chancellor, J. & Jović, S. (2015). 2nd edition, Writing Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Faculty (Humanities Edition), Prepared for Bronx Community College, CUNY (


[29] Jović, S. (2024). Narrative Games: Perspective Shifting as Method and Goal of Qualitative Research, Individual Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology, Milan, Italy

[28] Simić, N., Jović, S. & Petrović, D. (2024). Wellbeing of Secondary School Students from Serbia: The Role of Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and Ethnic Background, Individual Paper presented at the International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends, Porto, Portugal.

[27] Belić, M., Radosavljavić, J., & Jović, S. (2024). Multicultural School Practices – The Perspective of Students, Teachers, and Parents, Symposium Paper presented at the Empirical Research in Psychology (EIP) 2024 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia. 

[26] Sejfović, H., Ignjatović, H., & Jović, S. (2024). Multicultural School Practices and Student Outcomes, Symposium Paper presented at the Empirical Research in Psychology (EIP) 2024 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.

[25] Jović, S. & Pipitone (2023). Youth’s Sense Making about Socio-spatial Disparities in New York City through their Perceptions of Urban Nature: Politics and Possibilities in a Post-pandemic World, Individual Paper presented at the European Sociological Association Research Network 30 “Youth and Generation” Conference, Sardinia, Italy. 

[24] Pipitone, J. M. & Jović, S. (2022). Youth’s Sense of Belonging and Perception of Nature in NYC, Individual Paper presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

[23] Pipitone, J. M. & Jović, S. (2022). New York City Youth’s Sense Making about Belonging and Othering through their Perceptions of Urban Nature, IndividualPaper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Conference, New Orleans, LA.

[22] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. M. (2021), Tamed, gated, and for someone else: New York City youth's perceptions of urban nature, Individual Paper presented at the International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR) Conference, Natal, Brazil (remote).

[21] Pipitone, J. M. & Jović, S. (2020), Urban Greenspaces and COVID-19: An Exploration of Park Use and Sense of Belonging in New York City, Individual Paper presented at the Metropolitan Conference 2020, Oslo, Norway (remote).

[20] Jović, S. (2020), Narrating Development: The Use of Narrative to Study Socioculturally Embedded Human Development, Symposium organized at the 35th Annual International Conference on Narrative, New Orleans, LA.

[19] Jović, S. (2020), Personal Stories, Impersonal Accounts: Limitations and Affordances of Autobiographical v. Fictional Narrating, Symposium paper presented at the 35th Annual International Conference on Narrative, New Orleans, LA.

[18] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J.M., (2019). Out of Bounds: Mapping Uptown Youth’s Everyday Mobility through Geotagged Photo-making, Individual paper, presented at the Mapping (In)Justice Symposium, New York, NY.

[17] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. M. (2019). Mapping Out the Boundaries of Class, Race, and Documentation Status in New York City, Individual paper, presented at the 50th Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association, Brooklyn, NY.

[16] Pipitone, J. M. & Jović, S. (2019). Negotiating Public Space in New York City, Symposium organized at the 50th Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association, Brooklyn, NY.

[15] Jović, S. (2019) Calling it Out, or Playing it Down: How Openly do Youth from Contrasting Socioeconomic Backgrounds Talk about Injustice, Symposium paper, presented at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) annual meeting, New York, NY.

[14] Jović, S. (2019). Calling it Out, or Playing it Down: Youth from Differently Privileged Backgrounds Narrate about Injustice, Individual paper, presented International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR) Conference, Ioannina, Greece.

[13] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. M. (2018). Community College Students’ Exploration of Power Dynamics Embedded in Issues of Social Class, Race, and Documentation Status through Multi-modal Storytelling, Individual paper, presented at the Jean Piaget Society (JPS) Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

[12] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. M. (2018). The Bronx Tales: Mapping the Relationship between Social Structures and Everyday Injustices through Community-based Action Research, Individual paper, presented at the 9th Annual Diversity in Research and Practice Conference (DiRP), New York, NY.

[11] Jović, S. (2018) “We Know How It Feels on Both Sides”: Adolescents from Contrasting Socioeconomic Backgrounds Narrate Injustice, Individual paper, presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Convention, New York, NY.

[10] Batista, J., Pipitone, J. M., Jović, S. (2018). Photo Tales of NYC: Students’ Exploration of Community and Inequality through PAR. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

[9] Jović, S. (2017). At the Conjunction of Theory and Method: A Dynamic Narrating Approach, Symposium organized at the International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR) Conference, Quebec City, Canada.

[8] Jović, S. (2017). Dynamic Narrating Approach: At the Conjunction of Theory and Method, Symposium organized at the Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, FL.

[7] Jović, S. (2017). Youth’s Sense-making about Fairness from the Perspectives of Agent vs. Object of Injustice, Symposium, Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

[6] Jović, S. & Pipitone, J. (2017). “We Are the One Side of the Two Cities”: New York City Youth’s Exploration of Community, Socioeconomic Inequality, and Youth Engagement, Symposium, Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology Annual Conference, New York, NY.

[5] Jović, S. (2016). Diverse Urban Youth’s Sense-making About Fairness, Individual paper, Jean Piaget Society (JPS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

[4] Jović, S. (2016) Photo Narratives for Change: Towards Sustainable Youth-inclusive Communities in New York City, Individual paper, Jean Piaget Society (JPS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

[3] Jović, S. (2016), Entitlement and Restraint: How Young People from Diverse Backgrounds Make Sense about Fairness, Individual paper, International Society for Cultural-Historical and Activity Research (ISCAR) Conference, Crete, Greece.

[2] Kreniske, P. & Jović, S. (2014). Two Dynamic Approaches for Supporting Writing in and beyond Psychology, Symposium organized at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

[1] Jović, S. (2014). Meaning-making about Fairness and Trustworthiness of the World among Differently Privileged Urban Youth, Individual paper, Jean Piaget Society (JPS) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 

Office Hours
  • Virtual office hours:  Wednesdays 12:00 pm-1:30 pm & 3:00 pm-4:00 pm and by appointment