Jevon Hunter

Dr. Jevon Hunter, keynote speaker
Keynote Speaker, OW Summer Institute for Teachers

Jevon D. Hunter, Ph.D. is the Woods-Beals Endowed Chair for Urban Education and Interim Associate Dean for the School of Education at SUNY Buffalo State. He is an award-winning literacy justice educator whose work centers the lived and living experiences of African, African descended, Latinx, and urban youth. A sought-after speaker and trainer, Dr. Hunter works side-by-side with prospective, pre-service, and in-service teachers, as well as other educators to envision and implement new forms of learning and instruction so our young people can shine in school and life.

  • African-American & Latin@ Youth
  • Urban Education
  • Adolescent Literacies
  • Literacy Education
  • Technology
  • Educational Social Justice

Research Interests

His interests are principally collaborative, having partnered with numerous schools, school districts, and educational organizations across the United States to share the benefits of Culturally Relevant Education, Antiracist Education, and other asset-based, liberatory instructional and curricular frameworks. 

He uses these frameworks along with teachers to intentionally design activities, lessons, and units of study that engage young people in emancipatory, restorative, and liberating literacy practices that center their voices, experiences, and expertise.

  • Gutiérrez, K. D., Nixon, A. S., & Hunter J. D. (2014). Leveraging new media and youths’ repertoires of practice toward connected learning. In B. Kirshner & E. Middaugh (Eds.), #youthaction: Becoming political in the digital age. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
  • Hunter, J. D., & Caraway, H. J. (2014). Urban youth use Twitter to transform learning and engagement. English Journal, 103(4), 76-82.
  • Gutiérrez, K. D., Hunter, J. D., & Arzubiaga, A. (2009). Re-mediating the university: Learning through sociocritical literacies. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4, 1-23.