A student may withdraw from one or more courses by filing an official withdrawal form.
Please Note: Nonattendance in classes does not constitute withdrawal.
To access the withdrawal form:
- Login to the ConnectOW portal.
- Click "Registrar Forms" Card > "Withdrawal Form"
- Complete the Withdrawal Form
The deadline to withdraw from classes is published in the Academic Calendar.
. Financial liability for the withdrawing students will depend on the date of his or her withdrawal.
When withdrawing, the Office of the Registrar records a W on the student’s transcript. W, signifying withdrawal, may not be assigned as a final grade. A grade of W does not affect the GPA.
Note: Nonattendance in classes does not constitute withdrawal.
In extraordinary circumstances, the Office of the Registrar will record a W on a student’s transcript after the seventh week of the semester, but prior to approximately two weeks before the final day of classes, if the instructor and the Office of Financial Aid have approved the withdrawal and the student has filed the necessary form with the Office of the Registrar by the deadline.
Any student who has not withdrawn officially from a course will remain on the final grade roster and will be assigned a final grade of F from the instructor or NC if the student has filed the appropriate CR/NC contract. A grade of “NC” will be accepted only if prior arrangements have been made with the instructor and a fully executed Credit/No Credit agreement has been electronically filed, before the end of the seventh week of classes, with the Office of the Registrar. Withdrawals may affect a student’s subsequent eligibility for financial aid awards. Grades are final as submitted.
W grades (ie., withdrawing from a class) may also affect your current and future financial aid status. It is recommended that students contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine their situation before withdrawing.