Student-Faculty Research Collaboration on Neurocognitive Profiles featured in International Journal

Cover of The Journal of Affective Disorders

Four recent Psychology graduates can now add “published author” to their resumes as their research article with Dr. Erik Benau was recently included in "The Journal of Affective Disorders." The paper, included in the official journal of the International Society of Affective Disorders, reviewed and compared neurocognitive profiles — namely, attentional control— of individuals with a history of suicidal ideation to those with history of suicide attempts. 

“The first author, Lesly Escobar, researched this topic for her final paper in my Cognitive Psychology class, which sparked her interest to continue exploring,” said Benau, an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department. “Together with her classmates turned research partners, it took three years to conclude a systematic review and meta-analysis of the data and studies to get this paper to published status, which is no small feat.”

The paper “Reduced attentional control in individuals with a history of suicide attempts compared to those with suicidal ideation: Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis,” was authored by SUNY Old Westbury’s Escobar '21, Kostas P. Mandelos '22, Sophia R. Ferraro-Diglio '21, Blessy M. Abraham '22, with contributions from Colette R. Vaughn '23. Additional authors and contributors from various institutions participated.

Of her experience, Escobar, a Psychology graduate, stated: "through the collaboration with my classmates and professors at Old Westbury, I gained new insights, knowledge, and exposure to diverse perspectives. The research endeavor helped us make a meaningful impact within the research community, with the hope of benefiting others in their own research." Her advice for Old Westbury students - "it's never too late to get interested in research! Get in touch with a professor whose research aligns with your interests or whom you admire, and express your interest in their research and discuss potential opportunities for collaboration."

The Journal of Affective Disorders publishes papers concerned with affective disorders in the widest sense: depression, mania, mood spectrum, emotions and personality, anxiety and stress. It is interdisciplinary and aims to bring together different approaches for a diverse readership.

School of Arts and Sciences