Educational Opportunity Program

student - student life

EOP at SUNY Old Westbury provides access, and promotes and supports inclusive excellence that develops the social capital and professional preparedness of its students.

The State University of New York's Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program provides access, academic support and financial aid to students who show promise for succeeding in college but who may not have otherwise been offered admission. Available primarily to full-time, matriculated students, the program supports students throughout their college careers within the University.

Now in operation for more than 50 years, EOP had its origins in the late 1960's, during the Rockefeller Administration. The Master Plan of the State University for 1964 set forth a long-range commitment that "every student capable of completing a program of higher education should have the opportunity to do so." In 1967, then first-year Assemblyman Arthur O. Eve of Buffalo gave further force to the principles of access and opportunity by developing the appropriation bill that gave birth to the Educational Opportunity Program.

EOP now exists on 54 SUNY campuses. Educational Opportunity Program graduates number more than 78,000. Most alumni continue to live in New York, enriching its economic and social fabric by working as physicians, teachers, scientists, engineers, attorneys, artists, entrepreneurs and public servants. And, many have returned to SUNY to serve as EOP administrators and counselors who provide support to another generation of opportunity students.

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is designed to improve the access and retention of low-income and first-generation college students at SUNY Old Westbury. EOP applicants must have the motivation to succeed and have the potential to perform satisfactorily in a college setting, but may not have been previously able to realize their potential because of their economic or educational background. EOP is a state-funded program open to residents of the State of New York only.

EOP Director Robinson talking with student
student - classroom

Pre-Freshman Program

Giving EOP students a jump start on their collegiate experience while helping them make a successful transition from high school.
