Adolescence Education: Chemistry (7-12), B.S.

Degree Type
Bachelor of Science

Candidates successfully completing this program of study are recommended by Old Westbury to New York State for initial certification as Chemistry teachers for grades 7-12.

Combine your passion for chemistry and science with a future in teaching

Middle and high school teachers have important jobs that involve working with students to educate them in core subjects while supporting them in achieving their post-graduation plans.

Good teachers can literally change lives! 

Get ready to educate, inspire, mentor and protect students as they journey towards life beyond K-12 classrooms. 

The Adolescence Education: Chemistry B.S. degree is inclusive of the B.S. in Chemistry degree program, which is accredited by the American Chemical Society, among the world’s largest scientific organizations.

After Graduation

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), New York State has among highest employment levels of secondary education teachers in the entire country:

  • 62,300 employed as of 2023
  • Annual mean salary in NY: $96,400

The Projections Managing Partnership projects that New York State by 2030 will need 78,290 secondary education teachers.

Dr. Duncan Quarless

Two Degrees in One

Students in this program complete all requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry while also taking a 9-course series of education classes, including The Nature and Development of Science, Middle Childhood and Adolescence, and Methods and Materials of Teaching Science. 

Explore the Curriculum in the Undergraduate Calendar